NIMA-018 نسخة حية من الفيلم الكوميدي doujin الرائع! أودو "أكاني تشعر بالرضا عند اغتصابها مرات عديدة" مي ساتسوكي
A heartbreaking rape story in which a school life full of friendship and youth is disintegrated! This is a live-action adaptation of the hit work by popular circle STUDIO Fuan! Udo, a weak-witted but gentle and kind-hearted big guy, naturally misunderstands the meaning of his best friend Haruki's "If you find a girl you like, you have to do it! He naturally misunderstands the meaning of Haruki's words, "If you get a girl you like, you have to dong your feelings for her! Udo, who thinks that leaping is normal sex, repeatedly pokes and stirs Akane with his immense cock. Akane falls in love with the pleasure of leapfrogging with a big dick... Collaboration with a popular doujinshi work! The original doujinshi work "Udo: Akane feels good when she is repeatedly raped. is here!